


Karen Adam is now the MSP for Banffshire and Buchan Coast

This web site will no longer be updated save to correct errors.

25 October 2005


Banff and Buchan MSP Stewart Stevenson is highlighting Back Care Awareness Week.

“The aim of BackCare Awareness Week is to highlight the importance of good back care. Two out of five adults will experience back pain sometime in the next 12 months, and it costs the UK a staggering £6 billion each year in benefits, treatments and lost production. In the past, the prescribed treatment was bed and lots of rest. Nowadays though it is recommended that sufferers keep as active as possible - without overdoing things.

“Good posture encourages your muscles, joints and ligaments to work as nature intended. It means your vital organs are in the right position and can function at peak efficiency. Good posture can also contribute towards the normal functioning of the nervous system. Without good posture, your overall health and total efficiency may be compromised.

“Regular, controlled exercise can help ease back pain. Walking, swimming, cycling, yoga, t'ai chi and simple stretches are just a few 'back-friendly' activities. However, before taking up a regular programme of exercise, it is always of importance to consult your GP or back care specialist.

“BackCare is a UK charity that helps people manage and prevent back pain by providing advice, promoting self-help, encouraging debate and funding scientific research into better back care. For those wishing further information, they should call 0870 950 0275 (Monday and Friday, 9am to 12pm; Wednesday and Sunday, 6pm to 9pm) or go to”

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