


Karen Adam is now the MSP for Banffshire and Buchan Coast

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15 September 2006

Stevenson Backs First Aid Education

Banff & Buchan MSP Stewart Stevenson is backing a Red Cross campaign to ensure that young people know basic life-saving skills. The charity recently launched a report “Life, Live it.- The Case for First Aid Education in UK Schools”, which puts forward flexible and pragmatic proposals about how first aid can be delivered, and fit within the school’s curriculum.

Commenting on the scheme, Mr Stevenson said:

“Just knowing even the basics of first aid can literally mean the difference between life or death.

“It is estimated in the UK that three million people attend Accident and Emergency departments each year with the types of injury and illness first aid could treat. However, there is no comprehensive first aid programme in our schools.

“However, having basic life saving skills can reduce injury and save lives. I therefore, strongly support the Red Cross’s call for every pupil to learn at least eight first aid essentials.”
Categories [Education and Lifelong Learning]

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