For the first time ever, Alcohol Focus Scotland has produced a regional
breakdown showing costs for each local authority area. The research was conducted using the same
methods as a Scottish Government study from 2010 which reported the overall
cost of alcohol misuse across Scotland
was £3.6 billion a year.
the figures Mr Stevenson said:
“This is a very serious problem for our
nation and our communities. The drastic
real terms reduction in the cost of off sales alcohol is holding many people in
our communities back.
“Discount and loss leading
supermarket promotions, which aim to make alcohol prices so cheap, are costing
our country dear in terms of NHS, Police and lost production costs. The Scottish Government’s minimum pricing
policy will have a positive impact but it will not on its own fix the entire
“Reverting to traditional behaviours
of social drinking in the local pub with friends, neighbours and colleagues
offers a more sustainable prospect. Supporting
your local pub is about community, peer networks and local business creating
employment. This contrasts with discount
off sales of vodka or white cider consumed at home, which is about creating and
maintaining alcohol dependency in our people.
“We need to be alive to the scale of
the threat and act now to modify our perceptions of what is, and what is no
longer, acceptable in our relationships with alcohol.
“The continuing extent of Scotland's alcohol misuse problem costs Scotland
£3.6 billion per year, this is totally unsustainable in both human and economic