Dave Thompson MSP, Cllr Richard Thomson Stewart Stevenson MSP Eilidh Whiteford MP, and Kevin Lamb |
The haggis was carried in by George Anderson accompanied by piper Daniel Hutchison, with the Address to the Haggis being made by Ellon councillor Richard Thomson.
Musical entertainment was provided by John and Liz Slaven of ‘Ficherin Aboot’.
Banffshire & Buchan Coast MSP Stewart Stevenson, who compered the evening, said:
“This year’s Burns Supper featured fantastic contributions from some very high calibre speakers and some amazing local musical talent, who I would commend to anyone for a good night’s entertainment.
“The turnout was excellent and was a great celebration of the life and work of our national bard, Rabbie Burns. A huge thank you to everyone involved in the organisation of the night and especially to our guest speakers from far and near and those fantastic musicians.”
“The turnout was excellent and was a great celebration of the life and work of our national bard, Rabbie Burns. A huge thank you to everyone involved in the organisation of the night and especially to our guest speakers from far and near and those fantastic musicians.”
Local MP Dr Eilidh Whiteford said:
"I was delighted that we had such a great turnout at this year’s event. It was a great night with everyone in a very bouyant mood ahead of the referendum in 2014. The speakers and entertainers were top notch. All round it was a great way to celebrate our national bard.
“Thanks must go to everyone that took part in and helped organise a very enjoyable event."
“Thanks must go to everyone that took part in and helped organise a very enjoyable event."