


Karen Adam is now the MSP for Banffshire and Buchan Coast

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20 January 2014

Stevenson Welcomes Recognition for Peterhead CCS in National Plan

Stewart Stevenson, SNP MSP for Banffshire & Buchan Coast, has welcomed a new national plan proposing 14 developments across Scotland promising economic growth, including a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Network.

Shell Web Site on Peterhead CCS
The Peterhead CCS project, proposed as part of the National Planning Framework (NPF3), would create the world's first commercial-scale full chain CO2 capture, transportation and storage development. It would collect up to 10 million tonnes of CO2 emitted from Peterhead Power station over 10 years, and store it in the depleted Goldeneye gas reservoir, 100 km offshore.

Mr Stevenson said:

“The Peterhead carbon capture and storage project is a visionary opportunity for Scotland and the UK—it is the first step towards opening up the North Sea as a global hub for the carbon storage industry, and will bring investment and long-term growth to the region.”

"What makes Peterhead unique is that there is as yet no gas-based carbon capture and storage project in operation. For Peterhead, that is a key opportunity.

"In carbon capture, we have a good prospect of commercial success whereas, after decades, nuclear remains entirely unproven”.

The proposed National Planning Framework (NPF3) was announced by Planning Minister Derek Mackay this week, and will be considered by the Scottish Parliament within the next 60 days.

Mr Mackay added:

“The proposed framework will benefit every part of Scotland and sets out our vision for where sustainable economic growth should take place over the next 20 to 30 years.

“I want future planning decisions to give due weight to the economic benefit of proposed developments, particularly the creation of new jobs.”

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