Mr Stevenson said:
“This debate is the latest stage in a long process in which the Scottish Government has listened, gathered evidence and advocated an approach to road safety for young, inexperienced drivers that includes some form of graduated driver licensing. Crucially, that process includes debate with young people.
“The Transport Research Laboratory, which works with over 100 countries, suggests that there could be quite a wide range of savings in terms of lives saved and casualty reduction from graduated driver licensing. It suggests 100 hours of supervised learning over 12 months.
“The issue is not about raising the standards that our best drivers can achieve; it is about raising the floor below which our least proficient drivers never fall.”
“The Transport Research Laboratory, which works with over 100 countries, suggests that there could be quite a wide range of savings in terms of lives saved and casualty reduction from graduated driver licensing. It suggests 100 hours of supervised learning over 12 months.
“The issue is not about raising the standards that our best drivers can achieve; it is about raising the floor below which our least proficient drivers never fall.”