


Karen Adam is now the MSP for Banffshire and Buchan Coast

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8 August 2014

Local MSP Welcomes Extra Help to Improve Hospital Patient Flow

Banffshire & Buchan Coast MSP Stewart Stevenson has welcomed the announcement from the Scottish Government that an additional £5 million is to be made available to help health boards to improve the flow of patients through the health and social care services.

© Scottish Government
Health Secretary Alex Neil MSP announced the funding boost which will aid further development of intermediate care, helping people to stay in their own home instead of going into hospital in the first place, and services that support people to regain their independence so they can return home sooner after a hospital stay.

Commenting, Stewart Stevenson MSP said:

“By improving the way that patients move through hospital and are supported at home, the investment will allow people to be moved from A&E to an appropriate ward sooner and reduce the amount of unnecessary time that patients spend in hospital.

“The funding will be carefully targeted to improve performance in seven health boards, including Grampian, working with their local authority, housing and Third Sector partners.”

Health Secretary Alex Neil MSP said:

“Our NHS and its partners is making sustainable progress around exploring new and innovative ways to improve the way that patients move through our health and care services.

“We’ve already legislated for health and social care integration to come into effect from April next year, but I am clear that we must make further progress now.

“That’s why I’m targeting £5 million today to support the transition to integrated health and social care and improve patient flow through a number of hospitals and community services.
“This investment will help improve the journey of many patients through hospital and back home supported by appropriate care services so they can leave hospital as soon as they are able.

“Improving flow through hospitals not only benefits the individual patient, but also helps improve the performance in frontline services like A&E and planned operations.”

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