Infrastructure Minister Stewart Stevenson, has announced his decision to re-appoint Charles Coulthard and David Simpson as members of the Water Industry Commission for Scotland. Professor Simpson, also acts as Deputy Chair.
The appointments, which are part-time with a time commitment of an average of one day a week, are for further three year terms from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2012. The posts attract a remuneration of £15,392 a year.
These re-appointments were made on merit and political activity played no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees' political activity to be made public but none was declared by either candidate.
The Water Industry Commission for Scotland was established from July 1, 2005 by the Water Services etc, (Scotland) Act 2005 as the economic regulator for the water industry in Scotland.
The Commission comprises six members, including the Chair, Sir Ian Byatt. The other publicly appointed members of the Commission are Professor John Banyard and Dr Mike Brooker. Alan Sutherland, Chief Executive, is also a member of the Commission.
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