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26 November 2010

Scotland Promotes Low Carbon Jobs


Climate Change Minister Stewart Stevenson is to join with the UK to present a united case for greater international action to combat climate change.

Mr Stevenson will be part of the UK delegation at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun to highlight the significant job and investment opportunities of a low carbon economy and press for global action.

Stewart Stevenson said:

"Scotland has the most ambitious climate change legislation anywhere in the world, and we are now more than half way to reaching that world-leading 2020 emissions reduction target. Our Low Carbon Economic Strategy highlights that we could almost double the number of jobs in the low carbon economy to 130,000, while attracting billions of pounds of new investment.

"Scotland is rightly seen internationally as a leader in the transition to a low carbon future. Our success in seizing the opportunities from tackling climate change is recognised by the UK Government and I will join the UK Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change and his delegation in Cancun to demand greater ambition in international action. Tackling climate change is driving new thinking, new technologies and new investment in Scotland. A low carbon economy is good for the environment and brings significant opportunities for new green jobs. That's the message I will be taking every opportunity to press - a low carbon transition is sensible, sustainable and ultimately unavoidable.

"The UK Secretary of State has talked of getting the world 'within shouting distance' of a deal and the Cancun talks must make progress towards an ambitious, legally binding deal. Yet Scotland and other developed countries must also help the developing world to mitigate the effects of a changing climate. We share a desire with the UK to identify ways to help developing countries adapt to climate impacts, a position which supports our overall approach to international development and desire to see developing countries build a low carbon economy suited to their own strengths."

Tom Ballentine, Chair of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland said:

"It is great news that Scotland will be part of the official UK delegation. After all, Scotland does have the world's most progressive climate change law. We hope that Scotland's action on this vital issue can act as an example for other nations to follow. We need nations to set a strong foundation for securing a global deal in South Africa next year. That deal must keep any global temperature rise well below the danger threshold of 2 degrees centrigrade."

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