Banff & Buchan MSP Stewart Stevenson has welcomed figures recently published in a written parliamentary answer that demonstrate funding for alcohol services has nearly tripled since the election, from £699,000 in 2006/07 to £2,014,386 in 2008/09.
Commenting, Mr Stevenson said:
“These figures are a clear indication of just how seriously the Scottish Government takes the endemic problems called by alcohol misuse. It is a problem that costs the police, health service and others billions of pounds a year and has an incalculable human cost for those who lose a loved one as a result of alcohol.
“I am glad that the Scottish Government is continuing to show leadership on the issue with funding increases on this scale and the range of other proposals currently under consideration to address the problems caused by Scotland’s relationship with alcohol.
“The majority of the funding from the Scottish Government is directed via the NHS Boards for provision of alcohol treatment and support services. Decisions on spending the money are largely made by local Alcohol and Drugs Partnerships and I commend them on the important work they continue to do.”
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