


Karen Adam is now the MSP for Banffshire and Buchan Coast

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17 March 2011

Stevenson Hails Funding For Coastal Communities

Banff & Buchan MSP Stewart Stevenson has welcomed the announcement that coastal communities in Banff & Buchan will be eligible for a share of £4.5 million to support local projects that improve the community.

The funding through Axis 4 of the European Fisheries Fund will support projects that improve the quality of life and promote economic diversification in coastal communities. £1.5 million will be set aside for the Highlands & Islands with the remaining £3 million available to coastal areas in the rest of Scotland such as towns and villages in Banff & Buchan.

The Scottish Government is inviting councils to set up Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGS) to consider applications and decide on projects with the greatest local benefit.

Commenting, Mr Stevenson said:

“People in Banff & Buchan know only too well how important it is to support our fishing industry, but equally as vital is the need to support the often fragile communities that exist in coastal areas. That is particularly true in places that once relied on the fishing industry but has seen it decline in recent years.

“Even relatively modest amounts of funding can help to transform these communities and improve the quality of life for local residents. That is why this funding that has been specifically set aside to support coastal communities is so welcome.

“I hope that this funding will help to support some fantastic local projects in Banff & Buchan and I am looking forward to seeing what develops from it.”


Axis 4 supports the sustainable development of fisheries regions. In particular it supports initiatives aimed at adding value to fisheries products; and measures to promote economic diversification in areas such as tourism and leisure, food and renewable energy that exploits local resources. It also aims to improve the quality of life in areas affected by the decline in fishing activities, such as small scale infrastructural projects environmental protection and training and capacity building for local communities.

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