


Karen Adam is now the MSP for Banffshire and Buchan Coast

This web site will no longer be updated save to correct errors.

26 January 2011

Stevenson Welcomes Big Lottery Fund Awards For Local Schools

Banff & Buchan MSP Stewart Stevenson has welcomed the latest announcement by the Big Lottery Fund, which sees three schools obtaining awards, meeting the 2014 Communities outcome of involving more children in sport and physical activity.

Commenting on the announcement, Mr Stevenson said:

"It is great news that three schools within Banff & Buchan constituency have been successful in securing funding for sporting projects.

"Ordiquhill After-School Club will run taster sessions in a range of sporting activities and the grant will fund coach costs, first aid courses and various equipment.

"Auchnagatt School will use their award to install netball court markings in its playground, providing its extra-curricular netball club with significantly better outdoor netball facilities.

"Finally, St Fergus School will provide educational and recreational activities for children of primary age and are involved in a sailing project.

"Once again, my congratulations go to the successful schools on their awards. I would urge other organisations in Banff & Buchan to apply for similar award schemes, the benefits of which can help new and existing projects alike."

Note: The local awards are:

Ordiquhill After School Club £1,223
Auchnagatt School £540
St Fergus School £960

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