


Karen Adam is now the MSP for Banffshire and Buchan Coast

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2 December 2015

Stevenson Welcomes Restrictions on Promoting Nicotine Vapour Products

Stewart Stevenson, SNP MSP for Banffshire and Buchan Coast, highlighted this week the serious health implications of using nicotine.

In Tuesday's Scottish Government debate on the Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care) (Scotland) Bill Mr Stevenson spoke about the serious health problems which arise from the misuse of Tobacco and Nicotine.

The Bill was brought forward by Shona Robison, Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Sport on the 4th July 2015 and will introduce measures to limit exposure to smoking and to limit the prevalence of smoking behaviours. It will also require health and social organisation to inform people when they have been harmed as a result of the care or treatment they have received and will introduce criminal offences for ill treatment or wilful neglect.

Speaking in Tuesdays debate Mr Stevenson said:

“The Bill that is before us addresses the advertising and promotion of nicotine vapour products. I welcome restrictions on those products because, although they are certainly known not to carry many of the chemicals that are present in cigarettes and that cause ill health and death, they have nonetheless not yet been shown to be entirely safe to be sold.

“However, if NVPs reduce harm and enable people to move away from the well-known and well-understood problems that are associated with nicotine addiction, that is fair enough and, for the time being, I am prepared to accept them.”

Mr Stevenson finished by highlighting that the dangers of tobacco and nicotine on our health is not new information, he said:

“We have known that tobacco is an evil, poisonous material for 400 years. Why are we still debating the subject now?”

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